Representative Payee Services

Resource Oversight & Guidance Services, Inc. can act as an Organizational Representative Payee by receiving and managing benefits on behalf of an incapable or legally incompetent beneficiary of Social Security benefits and/or VA benefits. This is accomplished at minimal cost to the individual as determined by the Social Security Administration or other entity and normally includes an extensive list of duties including the following:

Determining the beneficiary's current needs for day-to-day living (e.g., food, clothing, housing, medical expenses, and personal items) and use his or her benefits to meet those needs by disbursing payments to the beneficiary’s payees such as utilities and other monthly expenses. The typical sequence of events in this process is as follows:

Two people are working on a project together.
A green piggy bank sitting on top of a calculator.
  • 1 The Social Security Administration or VA sends the clients' benefit checks directly to Resource Oversight & Guidance Services, Inc. once Payeeship has been assigned; funds go directly into a bonded client trust account;
  • 2 Resource Oversight & Guidance Services, Inc. establishes a budget for the clients' bills and daily living expenses based on income and need;
  • 3 Bills (utility bills, insurance bills, etc.) can be set up to go directly from the companies to our agency or can be forwarded to us by the client, and payments can be made directly by our agency, eliminating the need for the client to pay bills on their own;
  • 4 A spending allowance customized based on the client's personal needs and spending habits is remotely loaded onto a prepaid Visa® debit card or other suitable methods at regular intervals;
  • 5 Representative payee Case Managers are available to meet with clients upon request at one of our offices or at their home or other convenient location as well as by phone and email;
  • 6 Client activity statements are available monthly or any time upon request;
  • 7 Referrals are made to appropriate programs and services as needed;
  • 8 Money can be set aside in savings for emergencies or other purposes.

For a complete description of this process and to see if you qualify, please Contact Us, and we'll be glad to assist you.