Useful Links

Here are some links that may be helpful in assisting with various issues related to Social Security and other government programs:

  • SSI Form for Disability Benefits. This publication will help you understand if you are qualified for disability under social security as well as how to apply for disability benefits.

  • Ticket To Work Program. If you want to apply for disability benefits but are still able to perform some tasks of your job, you may be able to work while drawing partial benefits. This publication explains how.

  • Social Security Information For Foreign Workers. If you work in the United States but are the citizen of another country, your wages may or may not be subject to Social Security withholding. If they are, you may be eligible to draw benefits.

  • Verifying Social Security or SSI Benefits. This publication shows a quick way to verify all Social Security and SSI benefits.

  • Replacing a Social Security Card. If you have lost your Social Security card, learn how to get a new one.

  • Veterans Affairs and Social Security. If you are a veteran, be sure to read about how Social Security and Veterans Benefits work together to provide you with coverage.

  • Military Service and Social Security. If you are on active military duty, find out how your service affects your Social Security benefits.

  • Household Workers. Find out about Social Security benefits for domestic workers.

  • Self-Employed Workers. If you are self-employed, it is important to learn more about how you pay into and draw benefits from Social Security.

  • HUD Public Housing Program. Public housing was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families.

  • CalFresh. Formerly known as Food Stamps, CalFresh is an entitlement program that provides monthly benefits to assist low-income households in purchasing the food they need to maintain adequate nutritional levels. 

Please call for additional resources specific to your area or needs.

